Newsletter Your week, simplified: April 17, 2024 A deep dive on voter turnout, a chance to win Pink tickets and a potential repeal of the prohibition on parade candy.
Elections Did your neighbors turn out to vote? Sioux Falls Simplified analyzed precinct-level voter turnout data to see which neighborhoods saw the most – and least – folks going out to vote.
Events Stuff to do: April 17-23 There's a lot to celebrate this week in Sioux Falls--here's a look at what's going on.
Simplified Presents How your apartment search can score you tickets to Pink Lloyd Companies is hosting a Parade of Apartments on Saturday, April 27, and they're offering chances to win hundreds of dollars in prizes – as well as a pair of tickets to see Pink.
Newsletter Your weekend, simplified: April 12, 2024 Simulated hospitals, childcare scholarships and laundromat libraries.
Education Get a look at Southeast Tech's new healthcare simulation center Students pursuing healthcare careers at Southeast Technical College now train in essentially a mini hospital. Here's a look at the new Healthcare Simulation Center.
City How the city is looking to build the childcare provider workforce The Sioux Falls City Council in the coming weeks will be looking at a proposal to fund scholarships for people pursuing early childhood education. It's part of an effort to address childcare workforce challenges in the city.
Your week at a glance: April 10, 2024 Happy Wednesday! Megan here. Weather check: Full-on spring temps Tote check: Congrats to Bob Wendland and @siouxfallsmom for winning a Sioux Falls Simplified tote bag! (I got so excited by the response I gave away two!) Thanks for participating in our "I voted&
Simplified Presents How Barre3 helped this woman build strength, balance Mindi Stroschein has been moving her body with Barre3 since the franchise opened in Sioux Falls more than seven years ago. Here's how the fitness classes have benefitted her and what keeps her coming back.
Elections Meet your new city councilors and school board members - so far Low turnout and a yet-undecided at-large race were some of the big takeaways from Tuesday's election results.
Newsletter Your weekend, simplified: April 5, 2024 Elections, a new Whittier Middle School and a 24/7 way to experience the zoo.
Elections What school board candidates want you to know before you vote Candidates were given a chance to add any other thoughts they want voters to know ahead of Election Day. Here's what they had to say.
Elections School board candidates talk transparency Sioux Falls Simplified asked them how they view transparency in their decision making and if they'd do anything different from the district's current policies regarding public access to information.
Simplified Presents How to watch zoo animals 24/7 on your phone Bears at the Great Plains Zoo now have global visibility through a new partnership with a website called Zoolife.
Education District looks to replace Whittier Middle School by 2030 The Sioux Falls School District is looking at several options for replacing Whittier Middle School, but before any design begins, board members have to decide where exactly they want to put it.
Newsletter Your week, simplified: April 3, 2024 Council candidates, learning new skills and how to catch the total eclipse in Sioux Falls.
Elections How Council candidates are looking at public transit The city has a new transit provider, Via, who's bringing a focus on more on-demand busing. We asked candidates what they think makes a successful public transit system.
Elections City Council candidates talk public safety priorities We asked candidates how they'll approach funding decisions related to police and public safety.
Elections Here's what else City Council candidates want you to know After all the prepared questions were asked, it was the candidate's turn to go off on whatever topic they chose.
Simplified Presents This program helps businesses 'UPSKILL' their workforce The Sioux Falls Development Foundation has helped more than 300 people receive workforce training through its UPSKILL Program.
Your weekend, simplified: March 29, 2024 Happy Friday! Megan here. Weather check: Hope the Easter bunny has an umbrella Election check: Are you finding the election coverage helpful? Reply to let me know or give me a thumbs up/down at the bottom of this email. This weekend, I'
Elections School board candidates on budgeting post-pandemic Sioux Falls is facing a budget shortfall in the coming year as federal pandemic relief funds run dry.