From Megan What I'm celebrating today (and why you should join me) Sioux Falls Simplified is FOUR YEARS OLD today! Here's how you can help keep it around four more years.
Newsletter Your weekend, simplified: Jan. 31, 2025 Artificial intelligence, big plans at the zoo, cool pool news and more to take you into the weekend.
Simplified Presents How businesses are backing the zoo's future plans The Sioux Falls Zoo and Aquarium is planning for a future where the campus includes an aquarium, butterfly house and more education space, and it's a plan that has full endorsement from the Greater Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce.
Education How schools are talking about AI in the classroom The Sioux Falls School District is starting to explore how teachers are using artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom, and administrators are drafting a document to offer guidance on if – and how – students should be allowed to use AI in their schoolwork.
Super Simplified Super Simplified Stories Your kid can play lacrosse, big pool news, new bus routes, and calling all lifeguards
Community How federal funding cuts could hit Sioux Falls Several Sioux Falls nonprofits on Tuesday expressed concern that a freeze on federal loans and grants would prevent them from helping people in need.
Simplified Presents No snow? No problem: Great Bear is open for business The lack of natural snowfall in Sioux Falls this winter hasn't slowed down the winter sports fun at Great Bear Ski Valley. They sat down with us to chat about how they're making their own snow to keep the mountain 100% open.
Super Simplified Super Simplified Stories: Jan. 29, 2025 Local chefs crushin' it, a time to talk density, and you go, Gatorade Girl!
Newsletter Your weekend, simplified: Jan. 24, 2025 The challenge of helping the homeless, a quick bite of Pierre news and how one woman found solace in sourdough.
City Local leaders talk data, collaboration in addressing homelessness Leaders from the city, county and state gathered Thursday evening to talk about homelessness in the region, the need for better data and how collaboration is the only way to make any progress.
Community How this woman found solace and success in sourdough Five years after the sudden and unexpected death of her 13-month-old son, Pearl Leiferman baked her first loaf of sourdough bread. Now, she's running a successful business, giving back and raising awareness.
Newsletter Your week, simplified: Jan. 22, 2025 I regret to inform you that we're all getting kind of old. But anyway, here's some fun stuff to do and some helpful resources.
Community Meet the nonprofits helping multilingual communities in S.D. "Let's treat this time like a fire drill," Taneeza Islam said. "Something is going to happen. We don't know the extent of what, but if we want to protect our communities, shouldn't we want to be prepared as a community? You never want the fire, but we've got to be ready."
Super Simplified Super Simplified Stories: Jan. 22, 2025 Lack of feedback at the county level, convention center options and regretfully informing you that the early aughts were, in fact, twenty years ago.
Events Stuff to do: Jan. 22-28 Sled competitively, eat pancakes, paint your pal in the style of Picasso and more.
Newsletter Your weekend, simplified: Jan. 17, 2025 The future of the Sioux Falls Arena, as well as the Brockhouse collection; tips for pelvic floor strength and get smart about helping kids read.
City Why downtown convention center talks will push city to decide Arena's future As the city eyes the possibility of a downtown convention center and repurposing of the existing convention center into indoor recreation space, there's a question that remains: What happens to the Arena?
Get Smart Get smart about helping young readers with Brooke Sieff Brooke Sieff is the program director at REACH Literacy, and she also oversee's the nonprofit's "Bee a Reader" virtual mentorship program.
Simplified Presents These workouts will strengthen your pelvic floor Pelvic health is particularly important for women, who have a more vulnerable anatomic setup in their pelvis, said Dr. Marysa Warnhoff, physical therapist and owner of Uprise Pelvic Health.
Super Simplified Super Simplified Stories: Jan. 17, 2025 Bye bye, Brockhouse taxidermy collection; and good news for the local cat population.
Newsletter Your week, simplified: Jan. 15, 2025 More pools, more Levitt, more bike trail, more childcare solutions and a farewell from Gov. Kristi Noem.
City Get a look at planned additions to Levitt at the Falls The Sioux Falls City Council got an updated look at future expansion plans for the Levitt.
Education Why school officials are speaking out against vouchers Several South Dakota school officials are voicing their opposition to state legislative proposals to create programs to fund scholarships for kids to attend private schools or other alternative instruction like home-schooling or microschools.