Newsletter Your week, simplified: Oct. 27, 2021 This week we simplify the marijuana lottery, the USD Discovery District and how one nonprofit is recovering post-pandemic.
Community How Jim Abbott hopes to move USD Discovery District forward A brief history of the USD Discovery District, and a look at what's next.
Community Most members left this nonprofit in the pandemic. Here's how they're coming back. OLLI went from 700 members to 250. Here's how the nonprofit is slowly rebuilding.
City How the lottery for marijuana dispensary licenses will work On Friday, the city released the guidelines for what the license lottery will look like.
Simplified Presents How Garretson is using utilities to incentivize new businesses Garretson City Council earlier this month unanimously approved a plan to give new and existing business owners who invest in the town a chance to save on natural gas.
Newsletter Your week, simplified: Oct. 20, 2021 This week, we simplify the need for water, vacant buildings, spooky car washes and Brandon's new budget
Community Sioux Falls needs more water, and more money to get it The Sioux Falls area needs more water. The trick is funding it.
City How City Council aims to dissuade property owners from leaving buildings vacant The proposed ordinance will be up for a second reading on Nov. 9.
Simplified Presents How Brandon's new budget sets the city up for growth The City of Brandon recently adopted its budget for 2022 with a focus on road improvements, infrastructure and economic development. Here's a closer look.
Simplified Presents Get spooked at Silverstar's annual haunted car wash A portion of the proceeds for the haunted wash will go to Feeding South Dakota.
Newsletter Your week, simplified: Oct. 13, 2021 This week, we simplify the future of Falls Park and how the abrupt closure of a North Dakota company is affecting newly married couples in Sioux Falls.
Community This N.D. photographer closed overnight, taking Sioux Falls couples' money, photos with them Dozens of couples in North and South Dakota – including several in Sioux Falls – were affected last week by the abrupt closure of a North Dakota-based photography company.
City How the city is planning the Falls Park of the future The winner of the Falls Park Design Competition is the first step in a likely year-long master planning process.
Simplified Presents How Midco is shaping future Augustana University programs Midco has made significant donations to Augustana University – especially in the last year. Here's a look at what that means for students.
Simplified Presents Get the best deals of the year on Silverstar Day It's the day with the biggest and best car wash deals of the year. Here's what you need to know.
Newsletter Your week, simplified: Oct. 6, 2021 This week, we simplify satellites, elections and a hockey team that's about more than hockey.
Community How a newly launched satellite is fueling science in Sioux Falls EROS wouldn't be here if not for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Landsat satellites, which have a record of Earth's surface dating back 50 years.
Education Why Augustana's new team is about more than hockey Augustana President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin said the hockey program will "elevate the profile of the entire university" both locally and nationally.
City Immigration attorney announces run for mayor Taneeza Islam, an immigration attorney and founder of nonprofit South Dakota Voices for Peace, is looking to lead Sioux Falls. Islam announced her candidacy for mayor on Tuesday.
Simplified Presents How couples reiki can bring you closer to your partner The energy healing benefits of reiki can also help you in your relationship. Here's what you need to know about couples reiki at Selah Space.
County Lincoln County voters reject plan to fund roads Voters in Lincoln County overwhelmingly voted down a plan to increase taxes for three years to fund road and bridge improvements.
Newsletter Your week, simplified: Sept. 29, 2021 This week, we simplify after-school shortages, The Link's first few months and how the pandemic is affecting people who are homeless.
Education Hundreds more kids would have after-school care if not for staffing issues Kids, Inc. – an after-school program administered in Sioux Falls School District elementary schools – is short-staffed, and the wait list is the highest it's been in recent years, officials say.
Simplified Presents Community raised thousands to bring this man home Donations from two local businesses, along with community donations, are helping to bring a Sioux Falls man home after a brain injury.
Health How COVID-19 is affecting people without homes City health officials are working closely with shelters in town and local health care providers to help vaccinate and test people who are homeless.