How you can help Sioux Falls Simplified

Happy Tuesday! Megan here.

I'm popping into your inbox a day early this week for a couple of reasons:

  1. To say thank you for all of the love you've shown Sioux Falls Simplified in its first three months as a new, locally owned local news business.
  2. To give you a couple of new ways to help ensure this business sticks around.

Sioux Falls Simplified is all about "no B.S." news, so I'll shoot straight. I'm going to ask you for financial support, but it's not just about money. You can be an integral part of keeping Sioux Falls Simplified in the community without opening your wallet, too.

How we got here and why it matters:

  • I founded Sioux Falls Simplified in February with the help of the Google News Initiative and LION Publishers. I received additional support from Zeal's Co.Starters accelerator program.
  • I started this because I truly believe local news is essential.
  • And it doesn't have to be over-complicated. Governments have all kinds of jargon, but you shouldn't have to have a law degree to understand what's going on in schools, parks, roads, City Council, etc.
  • It costs money to put together a quality news product. But there are other ways that you as a reader can add sustaining value to Sioux Falls Simplified.

Here are three ways you can help:

1. Money (i.e. Become a member)

I told you I'd shoot straight. A $5 per month financial contribution will help ensure I can keep bringing you the simple, skimmable, Sioux Falls news you've come to expect from Sioux Falls Simplified.

All of the content in the weekly newsletter will stay free and available to everyone.

But Megan, if the content is free, why would I pay for it? Because you like to read this news, and you want to see it succeed.

It's a way to:

  • show your support for locally owned local news,
  • buy in to a smarter community,
  • and ensure this news stays free and accessible for those who cannot afford to pay to read it.

Sign up to become a Sioux Falls Simplified member here.

(Note: You may be prompted to sign in, which you should be able to do using only the email address at which you received this message. Also – it'll say "full access," but know that you'll have access to all Sioux Falls Simplified coverage whether you pay for it or not.)

2. Sponsorship

Are you a business-owner looking for new ways to reach the community and to tell your story – all while supporting a smarter Sioux Falls? Consider becoming a Sioux Falls Simplified sponsor.

There are a variety of options available from a single Simplified Presents sponsored story to sponsored newsletter issues to monthly and annual advertising packages.

Reach out to set up a meeting with me to talk more about sponsorship options: or 605-545-4565.

3. Advocacy

You are a small, but mighty readership. And word-of-mouth endorsements go a long way in this town.

You can support Sioux Falls Simplified by sharing the newsletter with more people in your life who live, work and play in this city. The more folks we can reach, the more of a difference we can make in becoming an engaged, informed community.

Whatever you do, keep being great

Thank you for being here. Thank you for inviting me into your inbox each week. Thank you for supporting me however you choose, whenever you're ready to do so.

Thank you, also, to those businesses who took a chance on me before I even had a product to show. When you support sponsors like Selah Space, Silverstar Car Wash and the Sioux Metro Growth Alliance, you're showing your support for Sioux Falls Simplified, too.