Moving soon? Ask these internet questions

This is a paid piece from Midco.

Simplified: Between warm weather, school starting soon and the summer coming to an end, it's one of the most popular times of year to move. And as you look for a new place, Midco is sharing exactly what to know to get the best internet service available.

Why it matters

  • Internet access is almost as essential to daily life as other basic utilities like water and electricity. It's often one of the first things people ensure is set up and running before moving into a new apartment.
  • Each apartment complex or other multi-dwelling unit has its own setup for managing tenant internet access – whether their internet is provided as an amenity or they need to find their own service provider – and more and more are partnering with Midco Properties for the former.
"Nobody in today's world wants to move into a place and go without internet," said Chris Carson, senior sales manager of Midco Properties. "Most property owners are getting questions about internet before they get questions about water or garbage or other utilities."

So, what should I ask before I move?

If you're looking at apartments or any other multi-family housing options, Carson said the first question for the property manager should be, "Do you provide internet as an amenity included with my rent?"

  • If yes, then you can ask who provides the building's internet access. And, if you want to get really technical, you can ask what speeds are available at your location.
  • If no, then you can ask which internet providers offer service in the area. And, if you're in the Sioux Falls region, chances are pretty good Midco will be one of your options.
"Tenants are looking for reliability, and I think we're at the top end of that," Carson said.

What if I own a property and need internet options for my tenants?

Much like the tenants, the first question to ask yourself is do you want to provide internet as an amenity for your renters? Or do you want each individual to set up their own plan with a service provider?

"We have a suite of products to serve the needs of tenants, whether it's a simple sign-up for tenants as they move in or where tenants manage their services on their own," said Barclay Bates, senior associate product manager.

Any other questions I should ask?

Once you find out who your provider is – or which providers are available – you can get more technical in the types of internet-related questions you ask.

That may include asking about the type of connection – fiber or cable.

  • Though, Bates said, you're going to get a reliable connection from Midco either way.

You can also ask what speeds are available. Midco offers gigabit service across the region, and the company is working to achieve 10G service in the future.