- 'Librarians in handcuffs.' The state House this week advanced a bill that would enable for criminal prosecution of librarians who allow children to view materials defined by the state as harmful or obscene. The bill would also apply schools, universities, museums, libraries and their employees. South Dakota Searchlight has a great explanation here on what this could mean and how the state would define "obscene" material.
- Fewer freedoms for trans folks. Lawmakers this week also advanced a bill that would prohibit transgender people from using their preferred bathroom/locker room facilities in public schools and state-owned properties like prisons and universities. Similar "bathroom bills" have been introduced in the legislature several times since 2016.
- Meanwhile, another bill aimed at limiting trans rights failed by default when the House was split 35-35. This one would've prohibited people from updating their birth certificates and driver's licenses to reflect their gender. South Dakota Searchlight has more on both of those measures.
- One of two child care bills advances. House Bill 1132, which would allow qualifying child care providers to access child care assistance for their own children, has passed out of the state House of Representatives and moved along to the Senate. Meanwhile, Senate Bill 126 was effectively killed. That bill would've changed how providers are compensated through the state's child care assistance programs – essentially meaning more money for child care providers.
- Crossover Day is coming. Tuesday is "Crossover Day" in the South Dakota state legislature – which means any bills that don't pass out of their house of origin (i.e. a senate bill passing out of the senate and over to the house) die by default. So, if there's something you want to see passed (or killed), this is a good week to reach out to your representatives.
Stuff to watch in Pierre this week
A lot of legislation to watch as crossover day nears next week.

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