- Fill 'er up. A gallon of gas for less than $2? It's happening this weekend at Kwik Star locations in South Dakota. From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, you can fill up on Unleaded 88 for $1.88/gallon as part of a partnership between Kwik Star and the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council.
- Don't start fires. The Minnehaha County Commission on Tuesday enacted a burn ban due to extreme dry conditions in the county. The ban – which prohibits open burning – will be effective until the county "receives significant rainfall or the grassfire index changes," per a release from the county.
- City one step closer to closing on Riverline District property. The city of Sioux Falls has met its latest deadline in the process to buy an $8 million parcel of land downtown: making sure a convention center would fit on the land.
- The Riverline District Steering Committee met Tuesday afternoon to get an update from consultants on if it would be possible – if all else goes to plan (i.e. if a downtown convention center gets the requisite community buy-in) – to fit a 75,000-square-foot exhibit hall, a 40,000-square-foot ballroom, 20,000 square feet of meeting space and a full-service hotel.
- It's possible to make it all happen with a two-story facility, according to Brian Skrovig, associate principal architect at Co-Op Architecture. Skrovig shared some renderings of what that convention center could look like, including plans to have parking underneath the building to alleviate potential flood risks.
- Here's a look at a potential site plan, noting that the little red dotted lines outline where a hotel (or two) could go. Consultants noted that at least 350 hotel rooms would likely be needed to support the convention center.

Level one (left) would include the exhibit hall, and level two (right) would have the ballroom and additional meeting space.