This 7-year-old raised hundreds for the humane society

Simplified: After seeing a lemonade stand in her neighborhood, 7-year-old Zoe Bieber wanted to run one of her own. And when her mom suggested making it a fundraiser, Bieber knew exactly where she wanted to donate the proceeds: The Humane Society.

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Bieber set up a stand to sell lemonade and cookies on Saturday, July 8 and Sunday, July 9 in her east-side neighborhood near Lions Park.

She drew pictures of cats and dogs on a sign saying, “Free will donation: All proceeds go to the SF Humane Society.”

“I love animals, and I want to get them more food and water,” Bieber said.

By mid-afternoon Sunday, she had raised $373 to donate. Her mom, Sarah Russell, said she’ll match the funds raised to double the donation.

“It really blew me away,” Russell said. “I didn’t expect people to be as giving and generous as they were.”

What happens next?

Bieber has an appointment next week to meet with the director of the humane society and get a full VIP tour, where she will also present the check with her donation.

She’s also already decided she wants to do another lemonade stand fundraiser, “same day next year.”

  • And next time, she said she’d like to raise money for “kids who don’t have homes,” and give the money to the Children’s Home Society.