Your week, simplified: June 7, 2023

Happy Wednesday! Megan here.

Weather check: The 'warm with a chance of storms' trend continues

This week, you'll find a simplified breakdown of where Minnehaha County landed on regulating carbon pipelines. You'll also see the latest on the city's housing action plan and meet a nonprofit helping survivors of human trafficking.

And now, news:


How the city spent $3.6 million on housing projects last year

Simplified: The City of Sioux Falls last year spent more than $3.6 million in federal, state and local dollars to make housing more accessible. Here's a look at some of the programs funded and who they helped.

Why it matters

  • Accessible housing is a key tenet of Mayor Paul TenHaken's "One Sioux Falls" framework – i.e. the lens through which all city decisions are made.
  • The city runs a handful of programs designed to both help connect people with housing and restore existing properties in town.
  • City housing programs also rely on a number of partnerships with nonprofits in town who help with everything from providing temporary shelter services to rehabilitating homes.
"Our partners are really good at what they do, and we try not to be all things for everyone," Housing Development Manager Logan Penfield told City Council Tuesday afternoon.

Tell me more

Learn more about city-run housing programs and nonprofit partnerships here.


This nonprofit wants you to know trafficking happens here

Editor's note: If you believe you or someone you know is being trafficked, you can find help at Call to Freedom by calling 605-521-7303.

Simplified: Call to Freedom started in 2016 as a group of volunteers on a mission to help people impacted by sex and labor trafficking. Today, the nonprofit has 27 staff teaching thousands of people across the state how to better recognize the signs of trafficking.

Why it matters

  • Just over a year ago, the Sioux Falls City Council gave Call to Freedom $500,000 in federal pandemic relief funds as as three-year grant to further their youth outreach.
  • To date, that money has helped provide dozens of trainings that have given parents, students and the staff who interact with them the tools they need to identify the signs of trafficking and when someone needs help.
  • Call to Freedom also used a portion of the city funds to purchase some curriculum – called "Set Me Free" – designed to help educate kids about consent, social media safety, mental health and grooming.
"Constant prevention and education is key to be able to identify what is happening within our community," Executive Director Becky Simmons told City Council Tuesday afternoon.

Tell me more

Learn more about programs the nonprofit offers.


Super Simplified Stories

  • No appointment needed to find new best friend. The Humane Society announced this week that appointments are no longer needed to come in and adopt an animal. The change comes as the center is at capacity for dogs, so, if you're looking for a new furry friend, you've got even more flexibility now. Details on how to adopt here.
  • New City Clerk appointed. City councilors voted unanimously Tuesday night to appoint Jermery Washington as the new city clerk. Washington, who previously worked as city clerk in Box Elder, takes the position vacated by Tom Greco, who now works for Minnehaha County.
  • Zoo animals find new homes. Komati, the Eastern black rhino, and Solstice, the giraffe, have both found new homes at the recommendation of their species survival plans. Komati is now at an Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited zoo in Florida, and Solstice is in an AZA-accredited zoo in Oklahoma. The Great Plains Zoo still has two giraffes and two black rhinos.


How CO2 pipelines will be regulated in Minnehaha County

Simplified: The Minnehaha County Commission voted Tuesday morning to approve an ordinance to regulate the zoning of carbon dioxide pipelines. Here's a look at what is included in that ordinance and what happens next.

Photo by Matthias Heyde / Unsplash

Why it matters

  • Two proposed carbon capture pipeline projects would impact Minnehaha County, and county officials said they wanted to have local rules in place before those pipeline projects have their hearings with the state Public Utilities Commissioner in September.
  • These pipelines would be used to offset carbon dioxide emitted during ethanol production by capturing the gas, compressing it and storing it underground. It's a contentious process that's faced pushback from landowners who don't want the hazardous material pumped through their land.
  • County officials on Tuesday said they're trying to balance the rights of landowners with the plans of the companies working to build the pipelines. The final piece of the puzzle for Minnehaha County was determining pipeline setbacks, i.e. how far pipelines must be from other structures.
"My goal was not to shut down pipelines," said Commissioner Jean Bender, who was the deciding vote on the setback amendment that resulted in a 2-2 tie at the last meeting. "My goal was to try to balance those interests."

Tell me more

What are the rules commissioners approved?


Cool jobs for cool people

Note: If you'd like to see your open positions posted here, email

  • Human Resource Specialist – Levo Credit Union: Our Human Resources department works to create a service-driven and supportive employee experience. As the Human Resources Specialist, you will support the human resource department, including payroll processing, leading new hire orientation, and handling various administrative duties. Check out the job opening here or contact Ashley Paulson( with questions!


What I'm falling for this week:

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Thank you

Thank you to Sioux Falls Simplified sponsors, including the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, Barre3 Sioux Falls, Midco, the Great Plains Zoo, the Sioux Metro Growth Alliance, Selah Space and Silverstar Car Wash. When you support them, you're also supporting Sioux Falls Simplified.