Happy Friday! Megan here.
First things first, this issue is brought to you by Prairie and Pine Gifting.
- Prairie & Pine Gifting believes that the gifts you share should tell a story and leave a lasting impression that's as remarkable as your recipient. Each gift box is expertly crafted by owner and gift designer Sara Rowland, who specializes in custom, corporate, curated gift box designs. Learn more here.
Intern update: The lovely Olivia is now Sioux Falls Simplified's sales & socials coordinator, meaning she'll be helping out with multimedia/social media/advertising. Want to see your business advertised in this newsletter? Email olivia@sfsimplified.com.
Weather check: Let's try reverse psychology..."Yeah, you know what I want more of now? SNOW! Please more snow!"
⏰Clock check: Don't forget to "spring ahead" this weekend!
This weekend, you'll get smart about Women's History Month with Sadie Swier, director of SD CEO East Women's Business Center. I've also got the latest on some heavy-hitter Broadway shows coming through town, the weekly event guide and some super-simplified updates for you.
And now, news
Get smart about Women's History Month with Sadie Swier
Sadie Swier is the director of the SD CEO East Women's Business Center, which means she spends her days working directly with women who want to start businesses. Sioux Falls Simplified caught up with Swier to chat about empowering women and the importance of Women's History Month.

How did you "Get Smart" about women's history month and specifically about women-owned businesses? (i.e. what in your background prepared you for the role you have today)
My background of growing up in South Dakota and working with over 300 business members in Downtown Sioux Falls for four years helped prepare me. I love that you can walk the streets of downtown and most of the stores are either owned or managed by a woman!
We're all about simplicity here. Can you explain what SD CEO East does in 10 words or less?
Empowering women in South Dakota through free business advising and programming.
What’s something people most often misunderstand about the unique challenges of starting a business as a woman? (And, if you could politely correct them, what would you say?)
According to the SBA (Small Business Administration), there’s over 90,000 small businesses in South Dakota, and over 43% are owned by women.
- How amazing is it that almost half of the small businesses in South Dakota are owned by women?
There’s trends I’m seeing that business knowledge, family responsibilities and overall confidence challenge some women that want to open their own businesses. SD CEO East is here to address those specific needs.
If you could snap your fingers and a new resource for women would appear in Sioux Falls, what would you like it to be?
In a perfect world, I’d like to see more financial support for women opening their own businesses. In the world right now, I’d love to see more support in childcare.
See the full interview here.
You can now buy bus tickets on your phone
Simplified: Sioux Area Metro now has a mobile ticketing option through an app called Token Transit. Here's what you need to know.

Why it matters
- The option for mobile ticketing is one of many changes the city's public transit system is making this year after the City Council approved a new master plan last month.
- Sioux Area Metro is also moving to a hybrid model of both fixed routes and on-demand service. And last year, the city made the change to allow kids 18 and under to ride for free.
- The Token Transit app has the same bus fare options that you would find buying bus tickets in-person, including single rides, day passes, 10-ride passes, and 7- and 30-ride passes.
“Offering a mobile ticketing option will help streamline SAM services and in turn simplify and enhance our passengers’ experience,” said Robert Speeks, SAM General Manager.
How does it work?
Why the 'Mother of Sustainability' is coming to Sioux Falls
This is a paid piece from the Augustana Center for Western Studies.
Simplified: Former prime minister of Norway and noted "Mother of Sustainability" Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland will speak in Sioux Falls next week at the 26th Boe Forum on Public Affairs hosted by Augustana University and the Center for Western Studies.

Why it matters
- Sustainability is a big topic, and a particularly important one as people face immediate and future challenges of climate change, Augustana President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin said.
- Brundtland's talk will focus on sustainable development and, in her own words, "meeting the demands of the present generations while preserving the rights of  future generations to meet their own needs."
- The Boe Forum – named for former South Dakota Gov. Nils Boe, who created the event – aims to bring speakers to address widely interesting and important current topics. Past speakers include Madeline Albright, Neil deGrasse Tyson and former U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation Michael A. McFaul.
"We are especially pleased to hear Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland speak about the way sustainable development provides a growth-positive approach to the future." stated Dr. Harry Thompson, executive director of the Center for Western Studies.
Tell me more about the speaker
And learn how to get free tickets to the event.
Super Simplified Stories
- Peering into Pierre. Thursday marked the final day of the South Dakota legislative session (and the resolution to a long, drawn out tax debate). I'll have a "simplified" recap of the legislative session for you next week, but if you want the details on where things landed with tax relief, you can get the skinny from South Dakota Searchlight.
- The harbinger of spring. B&G Milkyway already has four locations open, with three more set to open next week. Warm weather is coming, you guys. (Or, even if it isn't, at least we have ice cream.)
How the Washington Pavilion is celebrating 25 years of Broadway shows
Simplified: The Washington Pavilion is bringing two week-long shows as part of its 25th Broadway Performance Series: "Beetlejuice the Musical" and "Aladdin."

Why it matters
- The Broadway Performance Series started 25 years ago as one-night productions of touring artists and an occassional Broadway show. Now, it's grown to six Broadway productions each year.
- The Pavilion also saw a record number of people subscribe to the performance series last year, with nearly 3,500 subscribers.
- In addition to the two week-long shows, the 25th season will feature performances of "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Pretty Woman: The Musical," "Jesus Christ Superstar," and "Mean Girls."
"We are so proud of how far we have come and of this lineup,” says Regina Ruhberg, director of performances and events.
How can I get tickets?
How an expanding Palisades State Park will bolster Garretson
This is a paid piece from the Sioux Metro Growth Alliance.
Simplified: Palisades State Park will nearly triple the available camping spots in the coming years. It'll also construct a new welcome center and add several other upgrades. Here's a look at what that could mean for Garretson.
Why it matters
- Palisades State Park sees more than 120,000 visitors each year, and the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department expects that'll increase to more than 300,000 once the expansion is completed.
- That growth will also mean more visitors – and, in turn, more revenue, for the city of Garretson, said Nick Harrington, GF&P spokesman.
- One of the biggest additions to the park will be the 75 new camp sites coming in 2024. That'll nearly triple the current capacity (about 35 sites).
"Recreation, especially camping, has been on the rise, and expanding these resources will benefit the public – especially folks in the Sioux Falls Metro," Harrington said.
Tell me more about what's changing in the park
Get the details here.
Stuff to do: March 10-17
- Strengthen your survival skills. Brush up on some skills to help you survive in the South Dakota wilderness at the Outdoor Campus on Saturday. Classes are at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Details here.
- Shake your shamrocks. Head to the El Riad Shrine Shamrock Ball on Friday at 6:45 p.m. for dance lessons, followed by music from The Kickin' Brass Band at 7:30 p.m. Details here.
- Spin some yarn. Join other fiber artists and crochet, knit or needle work with a group at the Old Courthouse Museum on Sunday. You can meet up with other artists between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Details here.
- Sing 'loverly.' Prep your best Cockney accent and catch "My Fair Lady" at the Washington Pavilion this weekend. Tickets here.
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